Continuous mixer Verymix

Artisans and Industries of the bakery, pastry and snacking

Recipe formulation, dosing, scheduling, following instructions and traceability are managed thanks to an efficient and easy-to-use HMI. It also allows to measure many parameters that can be adjusted depending on the desired result: mixing time and intensity, temperature of the dough before, during and after mixing, energy transmitted to the dough, opening of the glycol valves, etc. In this way it ensures the quality and regularity of its doughs.

The Verymix continuous mixer is the ideal equipment for the production of raw, precooked and frozen doughs, such as baguettes, ciabatta, pizzas, pastries, puff pastry and water masses.

Volume: From 700 kg to 8 tons / hour

Productivity and respect for traditional kneading

Versatility and regularity of productions


· A job 24 hours a day every day of the week

· Diversified productions

· An easy-to-use and efficient HMI that allows easy control of the equipment.

· Access to consumption data and different usage measures allows you to improve the performance rate of your productions.

· A perfect and fast prehydration of the powders thanks to the horizontal premixer (PMH)

· A mobile LIS cleaning system