SPI-LAB Bench Spiral Mixers

Up to 10 spiral mixers can be operated at once–either independently or connected by wire to a PC-based supervision application (complete with monitoring and control software). As many recipes as mixers can be launched simultaneously, with the possibility of chaining recipes. 30 phases per recipe can be saved. The parameters can also be modified during the trial to optimize the results.

Volume: 10 liters

Repeatability and scale-up: Process parameter control and recipe repeatability

Recipes optimization: Control and analysis of tests to measure the impact of raw materials and their mixture


· Modularity: each mixer can operate independently or link to the supervision tool. Up to 10 mixers can be linked by Bluetooth.

· Versatility: As many recipes as installed mixers can be tested at one time.

· Flexibility: Can suspend a trial in progress. Parameters can be modified during the trial.

· Traceability: Each test carried out is recorded, including all the parameters that influence the quality of the kneading (bowl and tool speeds, time, temperature, energy)

· Repeatability: the mixer’s defined parameters and conditions allow users to reproduce a recipe and maintain its quality