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Agitation Mobiles for Suspension and Homogenization Processes

Agitation Mobiles for Suspension and Homogenization Processes

Cynabloc agitators are known for their high pumping efficiency. Thanks to the performance of propellers with axial effects, the agitators are perfect for homogenization and suspension operations, even for large batches.

Our range of Helibloc agitators is recommended for homogenization or suspension operations using high-capacity containers. The agitator sets up in a lateral position on the bowl ferrule.

These agitators are recommended for mixtures that require solid/liquid ingredients with non-soluble powders.

Volume: From 10 to 200,000 liters, depending on the model

Variety of mixing processes: Wide range of agitators

Versatility and adaptability: Diversity in volumes, viscosity ranges, dispersion, and emulsion fineness


· High pumping power

· Low shear effect

· Recommended for liquid/solid mixtures, non-soluble powders